
HGE20A Pompeii. Herculaneum Gate East Side. Three Basins or cisterns.

(Eschebach shows but does not number, Kockel Nord 20A).


HGE20A Pompeii. October 2023. Looking east. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGE20A Pompeii. October 2023. Looking east. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGE20A Pompeii. September 2021. Looking north-east. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGE20A Pompeii. September 2021. Looking north-east. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Looking north-east towards entrance doorway.

HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Looking north-east towards entrance doorway.


HGE20A Pompeii. October 2023. Looking east to front basin or cistern. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGE20A Pompeii. October 2023. Looking east to front basin or cistern. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Front basin or cistern.

HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Front basin or cistern.


HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Looking north across front basin or cistern.

HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Looking north across front basin or cistern.


HGE20A Pompeii. October 2023. Looking east at second basin or cistern on north side behind entrance. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGE20A Pompeii. October 2023. Looking east at second basin or cistern on north side behind entrance. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Looking east at second basin or cistern on north side behind entrance.

HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Looking east at second basin or cistern on north side behind entrance.



HGE20A Pompeii. October 2023. Looking across third basin or cistern on south side behind entrance. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGE20A Pompeii. October 2023. Looking across third basin or cistern on south side behind entrance. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Looking east at third basin or cistern on south side behind entrance.

HGE20A Pompeii. May 2006. Looking east at third basin or cistern on south side behind entrance.


Fig. 10 – Zenithal view of the paved road intercepted between the portico and via dei Sepolcri in front of the N20a fountain.
Photo: B. Lemaire-EFR.
In front of the fountain, a paved path whose axis diverges appreciably from the current via dei Sepolcri, was found about 0.40 m below the level of the embankment which, from the current path, rises slightly to the level circulation of the gantry (fig. 10). It is quite probable that this road, whose pavement clearly bears the marks of recharging and repairs, is to be related to a segment of paved road discovered a few metres further upstream, in front of the HGE14 shop (fig. 11). The two segments are paved with basalt slabs of dimensions appreciably smaller than those of the way in use in 79.

Fig. 10 – Vue zénithale de la voie dallée interceptée entre le portique et la via dei Sepolcri devant la fontaine N20a.
Cliché : B. Lemaire-EFR.
Devant la fontaine, une voie dallée dont l’axe diverge sensiblement de l’actuelle via dei Sepolcri, a été retrouvée à environ 0,40 m sous le niveau du talus qui, depuis la voie actuelle, monte en légère pente jusqu’au niveau de circulation du portique (fig. 10). Il est assez probable que cette voie, dont la chaussée porte clairement des marques de recharges et de réfections, soit à mettre en relation avec un segment de voie dallée découvert quelques mètres plus en amont, devant la boutique HGE14 (fig. 11). Les deux segments sont pavés avec des dalles de basalte de dimensions sensiblement inférieures à celles de la voie en usage en 79.

See Pompéi, Porta Ercolano : organisation, gestion et transformations d’une zone suburbaine : Campagne 2016. CEFR 1676

Fig. 10 – Zenithal view of the paved road intercepted between the portico and via dei Sepolcri in front of the N20a fountain.

Photo: B. Lemaire-EFR.

In front of the fountain, a paved path whose axis diverges appreciably from the current via dei Sepolcri, was found about 0.40 m below the level of the embankment which, from the current path, rises slightly to the level circulation of the gantry (fig. 10). It is quite probable that this road, whose pavement clearly bears the marks of recharging and repairs, is to be related to a segment of paved road discovered a few metres further upstream, in front of the HGE14 shop (fig. 11). The two segments are paved with basalt slabs of dimensions appreciably smaller than those of the way in use in 79.


Fig. 10 – Vue zénithale de la voie dallée interceptée entre le portique et la via dei Sepolcri devant la fontaine N20a.

Cliché : B. Lemaire-EFR.

Devant la fontaine, une voie dallée dont l’axe diverge sensiblement de l’actuelle via dei Sepolcri, a été retrouvée à environ 0,40 m sous le niveau du talus qui, depuis la voie actuelle, monte en légère pente jusqu’au niveau de circulation du portique (fig. 10). Il est assez probable que cette voie, dont la chaussée porte clairement des marques de recharges et de réfections, soit à mettre en relation avec un segment de voie dallée découvert quelques mètres plus en amont, devant la boutique HGE14 (fig. 11). Les deux segments sont pavés avec des dalles de basalte de dimensions sensiblement inférieures à celles de la voie en usage en 79.


See Pompéi, Porta Ercolano : organisation, gestion et transformations d’une zone suburbaine : Campagne 2016. CEFR 1676


HGE20a Pompeii. Portico in front of the fountain. The ancient pit and more recent levels intercepted in the area.
In front of the fountain work was still in progress at the time of the eruption. The excavations were able to intercept a deep pit which, starting from the base of the fountain and passing under the foundations of the portico, ended at an angle at the end of the base of the fountain and passing under the foundations of the portico, ended at an angle to the south. south. The axis of the pit is centred between the two pillars of the arcade (Fig. 16). The pit pierces geological levels to a depth of about 2.40 m; it was filled with lapilli which was not reworked during the excavation.
Photo: B. Lemaire-EFR

Portique devant la fontaine HGE20a. La fosse antique et les niveaux plus récentes interceptés dans le secteur.
Devant la fontaine, des travaux étaient en revanche en cours au moment de l’éruption. Les fouilles ont en effet pu intercepter une fosse profonde qui, partant de la base de la fontaine et passant sous les fondations du portique, se terminait en équerre au sud. L’axe de la fosse est centré entre les deux piliers de l’arcade (fig. 16). La fosse perce les niveaux géologiques jusqu’à environ 2,40 m de profondeur ; elle était remplie de lapilli non remaniés lors de la fouille.
Cliché : B. Lemaire-EFR

See Pompéi, Porta Ercolano : organisation, gestion et transformations d’une zone suburbaine : Campagne 2016, fig. 16. CEFR 1676

HGE20a Pompeii. Portico in front of the fountain. The ancient pit and more recent levels intercepted in the area.

In front of the fountain work was still in progress at the time of the eruption. The excavations were able to intercept a deep pit which, starting from the base of the fountain and passing under the foundations of the portico, ended at an angle at the end of the base of the fountain and passing under the foundations of the portico, ended at an angle to the south. south. The axis of the pit is centred between the two pillars of the arcade (Fig. 16). The pit pierces geological levels to a depth of about 2.40 m; it was filled with lapilli which was not reworked during the excavation.

Photo: B. Lemaire-EFR


Portique devant la fontaine HGE20a. La fosse antique et les niveaux plus récentes interceptés dans le secteur.

Devant la fontaine, des travaux étaient en revanche en cours au moment de l’éruption. Les fouilles ont en effet pu intercepter une fosse profonde qui, partant de la base de la fontaine et passant sous les fondations du portique, se terminait en équerre au sud. L’axe de la fosse est centré entre les deux piliers de l’arcade (fig. 16). La fosse perce les niveaux géologiques jusqu’à environ 2,40 m de profondeur ; elle était remplie de lapilli non remaniés lors de la fouille.

Cliché : B. Lemaire-EFR


See Pompéi, Porta Ercolano : organisation, gestion et transformations d’une zone suburbaine : Campagne 2016, fig. 16. CEFR 1676


HGE20a Pompeii. Plan and section of the HGE20a fountain.
Survey and drawing: Fr. Fouriaux / S. Mencarelli-EFR.
The fountain (HGE20a) stands out in this ensemble because of its small size, which is not the result of modification, but was originally designed in this way. The space consists of three basins, made of various construction techniques and materials (terracotta, Sarno limestone blocks). The southernmost pool, which is an addition, extends beyond the alignment of the shop front.

Plan et coupe de la fontaine HGE20a.
Relevé et dessin : Fr. Fouriaux / S. Mencarelli-EFR.
Dans cet ensemble, la fontaine (HGE20a) se démarque par l’exiguïté de son plan, qui n’est pas le résultat de la modification, mais fut originellement conçue de la sorte. L’espace comporte trois bassins, réalisés à partir de diverses techniques de construction et matériaux (terre cuite, bloc de calcaire du Sarno). Le bassin le plus méridional, qui est un ajout, déborde l’alignement de la façade des boutiques.

See Pompéi, Porta Ercolano : organisation, gestion et transformations d’une zone suburbaine : Campagne 2016, fig. 4. CEFR 1676

HGE20a Pompeii. Plan and section of the HGE20a fountain.

Survey and drawing: Fr. Fouriaux / S. Mencarelli-EFR.

The fountain (HGE20a) stands out in this ensemble because of its small size, which is not the result of modification, but was originally designed in this way. The space consists of three basins, made of various construction techniques and materials (terracotta, Sarno limestone blocks). The southernmost pool, which is an addition, extends beyond the alignment of the shop front.


Plan et coupe de la fontaine HGE20a.

Relevé et dessin : Fr. Fouriaux / S. Mencarelli-EFR.

Dans cet ensemble, la fontaine (HGE20a) se démarque par l’exiguïté de son plan, qui n’est pas le résultat de la modification, mais fut originellement conçue de la sorte. L’espace comporte trois bassins, réalisés à partir de diverses techniques de construction et matériaux (terre cuite, bloc de calcaire du Sarno). Le bassin le plus méridional, qui est un ajout, déborde l’alignement de la façade des boutiques.


See Pompéi, Porta Ercolano : organisation, gestion et transformations d’une zone suburbaine : Campagne 2016, fig. 4. CEFR 1676





The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 02-Dec-2024 22:51