
92. HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes or Villa di Diomede.


Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Part 9      Part 10      Part 11      Part 12      Plan


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Steps to south portico, (area 5,b) at south end of east portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Steps to south portico, (area 5,b) at south end of east portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Steps to south portico.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Steps to south portico.


HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli of surrounding wall of garden portico, with steps.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS1163 
(Note: this drawing would either be at the north or south end of the east portico).
Photo © ICCD. http://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli of surrounding wall of garden portico, with steps.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS1163

(Note: this drawing would either be at the north or south end of the east portico).

Photo © ICCD. http://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking east along the south side of the portico, into corridor/rooms. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46, from area 45).
(Fontaine, corridor/rooms 5a, from 5b).

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking east along the south side of the portico, into corridor/rooms. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46, from area 45).

(Fontaine, corridor/rooms 5a, from 5b).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east along the south side of the portico, into corridor/rooms.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46, from area 45).
(Fontaine, corridor/rooms 5a, from 5b).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east along the south side of the portico, into corridor/rooms.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46, from area 45).

(Fontaine, corridor/rooms 5a, from 5b).


HGW24 Pompeii. Looking east along the south side of the portico, into corridor/rooms. 3D reconstruction.
© Villa Diomedes Project http://villadiomede.huma-num.fr/3D/app.html 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46, from area 45). 
(Fontaine, corridor/rooms 5a, from 5b).

HGW24 Pompeii. Looking east along the south side of the portico, into corridor/rooms. 3D reconstruction.

© Villa Diomedes Project http://villadiomede.huma-num.fr/3D/app.html

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46, from area 45).

(Fontaine, corridor/rooms 5a, from 5b).


HGW24 Pompeii. Lower floor wall situated in continuation of the portico around the garden, drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS1168 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46). 
(Fontaine corridor 5a)
Photo © ICCD. http://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. Lower floor wall situated in continuation of the portico around the garden, drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS1168

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46).

(Fontaine corridor 5a)

Photo © ICCD. http://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. Wall in corridor 5 a, the continuation of the portico of the garden. 
Drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli, engraved by Casanova.
See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.18).
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46).
(Fontaine, corridor 5a, on the right would be the different decoration of the wall of the portico 5b, which had black, yellow and red decoration).

HGW24 Pompeii. Wall in corridor 5 a, the continuation of the portico of the garden.

Drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli, engraved by Casanova.

See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.18).

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 46).

(Fontaine, corridor 5a, on the right would be the different decoration of the wall of the portico 5b, which had black, yellow and red decoration).


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking north-east at doorway into room 5,1 on north side of area 5,a. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking north-east at doorway into room 5,1 on north side of area 5,a. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Room 5,1, looking north across room. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Room 5,1, looking north across room. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. East end of room 5,a, with doorway in east wall into room with steps to upper floor.
On the left is the turn into the corridor 5,3. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. East end of room 5,a, with doorway in east wall into room with steps to upper floor.

On the left is the turn into the corridor 5,3. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking north along corridor at east end of room 5,a, leading into corridor 5,3. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking north along corridor at east end of room 5,a, leading into corridor 5,3. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking north along corridor at east end of room 5,a, looking towards doorway to room 5,6 and corridor 5,3 (towards left). 
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking north along corridor at east end of room 5,a, looking towards doorway to room 5,6 and corridor 5,3 (towards left).

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking east into doorway to steps to upper floor, at east end of room 5,a. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking east into doorway to steps to upper floor, at east end of room 5,a. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Steps to upper floor leading up to area 4,6. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Steps to upper floor leading up to area 4,6. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking west along room 5,a from east end, across 5,b and into the south portico. 
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking west along room 5,a from east end, across 5,b and into the south portico.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Chiantarelli, showing the black, yellow and red decorated walls of the (south) wall around the portico of the garden.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS1166 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63).
(Fontaine, room 5b)
Photo © ICCD. http://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Chiantarelli, showing the black, yellow and red decorated walls of the (south) wall around the portico of the garden.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS1166

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63).

(Fontaine, room 5b)

Photo © ICCD. http://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. c. March 1879. Painting by Sydney Vacher of peacock from centre of panel in the garden arcade. 
Photo © Victoria and Albert Museum, inventory number E.4388-1910.

HGW24 Pompeii. c. March 1879. Painting by Sydney Vacher of peacock from centre of panel in the garden arcade.

Photo © Victoria and Albert Museum, inventory number E.4388-1910.


HGW24 Pompeii. Wall around the portico of the garden, drawing by G. Chiantarelli, engraved by Giomignani.
See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.14).
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63).
(Fontaine, room 5b, garden portico on south side).

HGW24 Pompeii. Wall around the portico of the garden, drawing by G. Chiantarelli, engraved by Giomignani.

See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.14).

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63).

(Fontaine, room 5b, garden portico on south side).


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. Looking west along south portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. Looking west along south portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Looking west along the south portico. 3D reconstruction.
© Villa Diomedes Project http://villadiomede.huma-num.fr/3D/app.html 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63). 
(Fontaine, room 5b, garden portico on south side).

HGW24 Pompeii. Looking west along the south portico. 3D reconstruction.

© Villa Diomedes Project http://villadiomede.huma-num.fr/3D/app.html

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63).

(Fontaine, room 5b, garden portico on south side).


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking west along north side of portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking west along north side of portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking west along wall of south portico, on garden side. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking west along wall of south portico, on garden side. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west along the south portico.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west along the south portico.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Original terracotta tile floor of portico in south-east corner.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Original terracotta tile floor of portico in south-east corner.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Original terracotta tile floor of portico. Looking west along south portico.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Original terracotta tile floor of portico. Looking west along south portico.


HGW24 Pompeii. c.1870. Looking north-east across garden towards east portico, from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

HGW24 Pompeii. c.1870.

Looking north-east across garden towards east portico, from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. March 2024.
South portico, looking east from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. March 2024.

South portico, looking east from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
South portico, looking east from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

South portico, looking east from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. July 2010. Looking east along south portico from south-west corner. 
Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.
(Fontaine, No. 18 was found near room 5,2, in south-west corner of garden portico).
From PAH, addendum, p.122 – 
Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
 “No.18. A di 22 agosto 1771. Si e trovata una piastra come la descritta per uso di porta, ed e rotta in due cantoni; e tra la terra di quella vicinanza so sono trovate due monete di bronzo di diam. quasi uguali, on. 1 vantaggiata; in una vi e una testa circondata da iscrizione, e dal lato opposto S.C; ;’altra non si distingue per la ruggine.”

HGW24 Pompeii. July 2010.

Looking east along south portico from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63, from near area 86).

(Fontaine, - looking east along 5,b, from near room 5,2).

“No. 18 was found near room 5,2, in south-west corner of garden portico”.)

From PAH, addendum, p.122 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)

 “No.18. A di 22 agosto 1771. Si e trovata una piastra come la descritta per uso di porta, ed e rotta in due cantoni; e tra la terra di quella vicinanza so sono trovate due monete di bronzo di diam. quasi uguali, on. 1 vantaggiata; in una vi e una testa circondata da iscrizione, e dal lato opposto S.C; ;’altra non si distingue per la ruggine.”


HGW24 Pompeii. April 2019. 
Looking east along top of south portico, from south-west corner, with room 5,2, on right. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

HGW24 Pompeii. April 2019.

Looking east along top of south portico, from south-west corner, with room 5,2, on right. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. West end of south portico, with room 5,2 on left. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. West end of south portico, with room 5,2 on left. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. Room 5,2, looking south across room. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. Room 5,2, looking south across room. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking east along south exterior side of portico from south-west corner. According to the PAH, plan by La Vega, no.76, and 92 were found in this area.

HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking east along south exterior side of portico from south-west corner.

According to the PAH, plan by La Vega, no.76, and 92 were found in this area.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 86, in south-west corner).

(Fontaine, room 5,2 on south side).


From PAH, addendum, p.131 – (No. 76 on plan by La Vega, found in the room of the turret.)

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)

 “No.76. A di 26 agosto 1773. Si sono trovati due tondi con le piastre, li tondi alti on. 2, diam. simile, e le piastre di on. 3 in quadro, ed una sciva; il tutto di bronzo.”

From PAH, addendum, p.132 – (No.92 on the plan by La Vega, found in south-west corner turret, or just outside it.)

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)

 “No.92. A di 29 settembre 1774. Si sono trivati due tondi alti on. 2, diam. simile. Due piastre corrispondenti ai tondi di on. 3 in quadro. Un pezzo di crocco con sua sciva, tutto di bronzo.”


HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010. Room in south-west corner of garden area.
According to Garcia y Garcia, a bomb was dropped here during the night of 18th September 1943.
This bomb fell on the south-west corner of the peristyle causing the destruction of part of the wall south of the turret and the collapse of the rear slope.
It was restored in 1946.
See Garcia y Garcia, L., 2006. Danni di guerra a Pompei. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider. (p.160-1)
According to Boyce, a small room opened off the south-west corner of the large portico surrounding the garden.
This room had a semi-circular niche in the east wall. The room was called a lararium in the reports.
See Boyce G. K., 1937. Corpus of the Lararia of Pompeii. Rome: MAAR 14. (p.97, no.478). 
(Fontaine, room 5,2).

HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010. Room in south-west corner of garden area.

According to Garcia y Garcia, a bomb was dropped here during the night of 18th September 1943.

This bomb fell on the south-west corner of the peristyle causing the destruction of part of the wall south of the turret and the collapse of the rear slope. 

It was restored in 1946.

See Garcia y Garcia, L., 2006. Danni di guerra a Pompei. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider. (p.160-1)

According to Boyce, a small room opened off the south-west corner of the large portico surrounding the garden.

This room had a semi-circular niche in the east wall. The room was called a lararium in the reports.

See Boyce G. K., 1937. Corpus of the Lararia of Pompeii. Rome: MAAR 14. (p.97, no.478).

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 86).

(Fontaine, room 5,2).


HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking east along exterior south wall towards area of garden, which had not been excavated.

HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010.

Looking east along exterior south wall towards area of garden, which had not been completely excavated.


HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010. Exterior south wall of portico.

HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010. Exterior south wall of portico.


HGW24 Pompeii. July 2010. Looking east along exterior south wall towards area of unexcavated garden area. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

HGW24 Pompeii. July 2010.

Looking east along exterior south wall towards area of unexcavated garden area.  

Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


HGW24 Pompeii. September 2007. Looking north-east across garden from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

HGW24 Pompeii. September 2007. Looking north-east across garden from outside the south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


HGW24 Pompeii. April 2019. Looking north-east across garden from outside the south-west corner.
Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

HGW24 Pompeii. April 2019. Looking north-east across garden from outside the south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


HGW24 Pompeii. October 2012. Looking north-east across garden from outside the south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

HGW24 Pompeii. October 2012.

Looking north-east across garden from outside the south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
South portico, looking east along garden side, from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

South portico, looking east along garden side, from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east along garden side of south portico, from south-west corner. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 91, looking east along garden side of south portico 63.)
(Fontaine, 5b).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east along garden side of south portico, from south-west corner.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 91, looking east along garden side of south portico 63.)

(Fontaine, 5b).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Garden from south portico.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Garden from south portico.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Garden pergola, from south portico.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Garden pergola, from south portico.


HGW24 Pompeii. 1957. 
Looking north across the garden, towards roof above north portico and Vesuvius.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

HGW24 Pompeii. 1957. Looking north across the garden, towards roof above north portico and Vesuvius.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking north along garden side of west portico, from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 91, looking north along garden side of west portico 63.)
(Fontaine, 5c).

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking north along garden side of west portico, from south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 91, looking north along garden side of west portico 63.)

(Fontaine, 5c).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north along garden side of west portico, from south-west corner. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 91, looking north along garden side of west portico 63.)
(Fontaine, 5c).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north along garden side of west portico, from south-west corner.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 91, looking north along garden side of west portico 63.)

(Fontaine, 5c).


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. Looking north along west portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Villa Diomedes Project –area 63, west portico). 
(Fontaine, 5c).

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. Looking north along west portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Villa Diomedes Project –area 63, west portico).

(Fontaine, 5c).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north along west portico. 
(Villa Diomedes Project –area 63, west portico). 
(Fontaine, 5c).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north along west portico.

(Villa Diomedes Project –area 63, west portico).

(Fontaine, 5c).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north along west portico. 
In the cellar below the west portico of the garden, nos. 81 and 82 from the La Vega plan were found at this end of it, towards the south-west corner.
However, there appear to be two no.81’s shown on the plan. 
This no.81 would seem to be from 9th December 1773, and from the west side of the cellar below the garden area, and said –
From PAH, addendum, p.131 – 
Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
 “No.81. nella stessa date. Si e ritrovata una sciva di bronzo, e tra la terra levata di quel sito si sono trovate tre monete, due di diam. on.1, e l’altra di min. 3 e mezza, che per la ruggine non si distinguono. Un pezzo di sciva, il tutto di bronzo. Ed un bottone di vetro.”
(No.79 was dated 9th December 1773 and no.80 (as no.81) was said to be from the same date).
(The other no.81, shown on PAH addendum, p.160 – dated 25th June 1774 would seem to fit in with the dates when the surrounding rooms to it were excavated – but no further details are shown. It was from the corridor at the south end of the east portico of the garden area).

From PAH 1,1, p.276, 8th January 1774: addendum p.131 and p.159 
In the present week, we have worked in the cellar of the dwelling outside the Gate of the city.
From PAH, addendum, p.131 – 
Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
 “No. 82. A di 5 gennaio 1774. Si e trovato un pezzo di serratura di bronzo.”

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north along west portico.

In the cellar below the west portico of the garden, nos. 81 and 82 from the La Vega plan were found at this end of it, towards the south-west corner.

However, there appear to be two no.81’s shown on the plan.

This no.81 would seem to be from 9th December 1773, and from the west side of the cellar below the garden area, and said –

From PAH, addendum, p.131 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)

 “No.81. nella stessa date. Si e ritrovata una sciva di bronzo, e tra la terra levata di quel sito si sono trovate tre monete, due di diam. on.1, e l’altra di min. 3 e mezza, che per la ruggine non si distinguono. Un pezzo di sciva, il tutto di bronzo. Ed un bottone di vetro.”

(No.79 was dated 9th December 1773 and no.80 (as no.81) was said to be from the same date).

(The other no.81, shown on PAH addendum, p.160 – dated 25th June 1774 would seem to fit in with the dates when the surrounding rooms to it were excavated – but no further details are shown. It was from the corridor at the south end of the east portico of the garden area).


From PAH 1,1, p.276, 8th January 1774: addendum p.131 and p.159

In the present week, we have worked in the cellar of the dwelling outside the Gate of the city.

From PAH, addendum, p.131 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)

 “No. 82. A di 5 gennaio 1774. Si e trovato un pezzo di serratura di bronzo.”


Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. 
Looking towards doorway/gate in exterior west wall of west portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.

Looking towards doorway/gate in exterior west wall of west portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Villa of Diomedes, April 2019. 
Looking north along exterior of the west portico, from near the remains of the turret room in the south-west corner.
Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

HGW24 Pompeii. April 2019.

Looking north along exterior of the west portico, from near the remains of the turret room in the south-west corner.

Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking north along exterior of the west portico, from near the remains of the turret room in the south-west corner.

HGW24 Pompeii. May 2010.

Looking north along exterior of the west portico, from near the remains of the turret room in the south-west corner.



Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Part 9      Part 10      Part 11      Part 12      Plan





The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 08-Sep-2024 19:49