
92. HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes or Villa di Diomede.


Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Part 9      Part 10      Part 11      Part 12      Plan


HGW24 Pompeii. May 2016. Looking east across terrace/loggia towards tablinum on left and room on its south side.
On the right is an exedra. Photo by Thomas Crognier. 
©Villa Diomedes Project, base de données Images, http://villadiomede.huma-num.fr/bdd/images/3473 . Consultée le 05/07/2021.

HGW24 Pompeii. May 2016. Looking east across terrace/loggia towards tablinum on left and room on its south side.

On the right is an exedra. Photo by Thomas Crognier.

©Villa Diomedes Project, base de données Images, http://villadiomede.huma-num.fr/bdd/images/3473 . Consultée le 05/07/2021.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 22 tablinum, area 35 and area 36 an exedra, on right.

(Fontaine’s 4,2, 4,3 and 4,4).


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.
Looking east across terrace/loggia towards rooms on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
(Fontaine – room 4,3 on left, 4,4, an exedra in centre, and 4,5, on right.)

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.

Looking east across terrace/loggia towards rooms on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

(Fontaine – room 4,3 on left, 4,4, an exedra in centre, and 4,5, on right.)


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking east across terrace/loggia towards rooms on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Fontaine – room 4,3 on left, 4,4, an exedra in centre, and 4,5, on right.)

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking east across terrace/loggia towards rooms on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Fontaine – room 4,3 on left, 4,4, an exedra in centre, and 4,5, on right.)


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024. Information description card. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024. Information description card. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Description card. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Description card. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.
Looking east towards doorways to rooms on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Fontaine – room 4,3 on left, 4,4, an exedra in centre, and 4,5, on right.)

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking east towards doorways to rooms on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Fontaine – room 4,3 on left, 4,4, an exedra in centre, and 4,5, on right.)


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. May 2024. 
Looking south-east towards doorways to rooms on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Fontaine – room 4,3 on left, 4,4, an exedra in centre, and 4,5, on right.)

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. May 2024.

Looking south-east towards doorways to rooms on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Fontaine – room 4,3 on left, 4,4, an exedra in centre, and 4,5, on right.)


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.
Looking east through doorway into room on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 35)
(Fontaine’s 4,3).

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking east through doorway into room on south side of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 35)

(Fontaine’s 4,3).


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Detail of north and east wall. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 35)
(Fontaine’s 4,3).

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Detail of north and east wall. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 35)

(Fontaine’s 4,3).


HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing of wall of room, with doorway on left.
Drawn by V. Campana and engraved by F. Giomignani.
See Le antichità di Ercolano esposte Tomo 7 Le pitture Antiche di Ercolano 5, 1779. (No. LXXXIII).
According to Eristov –
This is a drawing of the north wall of area 35, a room on the south side of the tablinum (22). We have not photographed this room.
The doorway on the left would have led into the tablinum.
See Villa Diomedes Project, base de données Images, http://villadiomede.huma-num.fr/bdd/images/20782 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 35)
(Fontaine’s 4,3).
See Eristov, H. (2005). Décors méconnus de la Villa di Diomede (Piece 9, (fig.2 and 3) (p. 77-79).

HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing of wall of room, with doorway on left.

Drawn by V. Campana and engraved by F. Giomignani.

See Le antichità di Ercolano esposte Tomo 7 Le pitture Antiche di Ercolano 5, 1779. (No. LXXXIII).

According to Eristov –

This is a drawing of the north wall of area 35, a room on the south side of the tablinum (22).

The doorway on the left would have led into the tablinum.

See Villa Diomedes Project, base de données Images, http://villadiomede.huma-num.fr/bdd/images/20782

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 35)

(Fontaine’s 4,3).

See Eristov, H. (2005). Décors méconnus de la Villa di Diomede (Piece 9, (fig.2 and 3) (p. 77-79).


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.
Looking east through doorway into exedra overlooking terrace, on left. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 36, on left, and area 19, on right.)
(Fontaine – room 4,4, an exedra on left, and 4,5, on right.)

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.

Looking east through doorway into exedra overlooking terrace, on left. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 36, on left, and area 19, on right.)

(Fontaine – room 4,4, an exedra on left, and 4,5, on right.)


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking towards south-east corner with remaining painted stucco. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking towards south-east corner of exedra with remaining painted stucco. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. 
Looking east into room (oecus or triclinium, on right) with doorway to room at rear leading to front peristyle. 
On the left is an exedra, linked to the oecus/triclinium by a small doorway.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 36, on left, linked by small doorway to area 19, centre right.)
(Fontaine, 4,4 on left, linked by small doorway to 4,5 in centre, and on right being where no.20, and 21 are described on La Vega plan - (at the rear of 4,5).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006.

Looking north-east into room (oecus or triclinium, on right) with doorway to room at rear leading to front peristyle.

On the left is an exedra, linked to the oecus/triclinium by a small doorway.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 36, on left, linked by small doorway to area 19, centre right.)

(Fontaine, 4,4 on left, linked by small doorway to 4,5 in centre, and on right being where no.20, and 21 are described on La Vega plan - (at the rear of 4,5).


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking east into oecus/triclinium with doorway at rear into south-west corner of peristyle. 
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 19)
(Fontaine, 4,5).

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south-east into oecus/triclinium with doorway at rear into south-west corner of peristyle.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 19)

(Fontaine, 4,5).


HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Francesco Morelli, showing “Upper floor, short wall of a room, at the end of the covered passageway.”
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS 1135 
(According to Fontaine, this showed the north or east wall of the exedra, 4,4.)
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 36).
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii.

Drawing by Francesco Morelli, showing “Upper floor, short wall of a room, at the end of the covered passageway.”

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS 1135

(According to Fontaine, this showed the north or east wall of the exedra, 4,4.)

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 36).

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Francesco Morelli, incised by Cesarano.
“Parete di un stanza sita alla estremita del passagio coverto nel piano superiore”.
See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.45).
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 36).
(Fontaine, exedra 4,4, north or east wall),

HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Francesco Morelli, incised by Cesarano.

“Parete di un stanza sita alla estremita del passagio coverto nel piano superiore”.

See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.45).

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 36).

(Fontaine, exedra 4,4, north or east wall),


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south along terrace from near room with window. The tablinum is in the centre

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south along terrace.

At the far end of the terrace would have been Fontaine, room 4,1b, where no.16 on La Vega plan was found.

No.17 would have been found from the area of the terrace leading left into the corridor at 4,6, near to room 4,1b.

In this corridor (Fontaine 4,6) leading into the area of (Fontaine 4,7) no.19 was found.


PAH 1,1, p.257, 24th August 1771, and addendum 122 and 157: (see No.16 and 17 below, on the plan by La Vega.)

We continue the excavation in the building outside of the Gate, inside of the rooms and have found the following bronze items- (see PAH,1,1, p.258 for list).

From PAH, addendum, p.122 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.16. A di 22 agosto 1771. Si sono trovate. Bronzo. Una piastra di on.3 in quadro, con un tondo per il gioco della porta alto on.2, di diam. simile. Due pezzi di piastre con un licchetto. Due pezzi angolari con tenuta, bucati nei tre estremi; sono lunghi per lo lato maggiore on.4, e per lo minore on.2, e li credo ornamenti di una mascatura.”

From PAH, addendum, p.122 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.17. A di 22 agosto 1771. Si e trovato una piastra di bronzo, ma senza il tondo che le corrisponde, per l’esse della porta, di on.3 in quadro. E un anello con sciva anche di bronzo lavorato a torne, di diam. on.2 e mezza.”

From PAH addendum, p.157 - 24 Agosto 1771 – Nos.16 e 17 pianta di La Vega.


From PAH 1,1, p.258, 31st August 1771, and addendum 122 and 157: (see No. 19 below, on the plan by La Vega.)

Having excavated three rooms of the said building, we have only found:

Bronze: A door hinge. A handle with the eyes at the extremes. A small shield (or key-hole guard) which had iron in its centre,

Terracotta: 3 water-jars of somewhat differing forms, two of 0.79m high, the other 0.66m high.

From PAH, addendum, p.122

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

“No.19. A di 29 agosto 1771. Si sono trovati tre langelloni di creta di diversa forma, e tutti a due manichi, ch’erano sotto una grada.

Nella porta di questa stanza si e trovata la maniglia con sciva, alta on.1 e mezza, lunga on.4. Uno scudetto di diam. on 2 e mezza, con ferro nel suo centro. Un tondo alto on.2, diam. simile; tutto di bronzo.”

PAH addendum, p.157 - 31 Agosto 1771 – Nos.19 pianta di La Vega.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south down stone staircase to lower cellar level. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area to south of number 38).
(Fontaine, stairs to south of room 4,6)
At the base of the stairs in the cellar, no. 96 was found according to the plan of La Vega. 
PAH 1,1, p.279-80, 26th November 1774: addendum p.133 and p.160 (see no. 96 below, on the plan by La Vega). 
We continue to lift the earth from the said roadway, and in the rainy days we work in the cellar of the same dwelling, which cellar was entirely freed, and here we have found: Bronze, (for finds see pages 279-80).…. Glass: A square jug with a handle. 
All these things have been sent to the Museum, together with two pieces that are believed to be of bread, and some sods of earth with the impressions and remains of cloth nearly incinerated.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south down stone staircase to lower cellar level.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area to south of number 38).

(Fontaine, stairs to south of room 4,6)

At the base of the stairs in the cellar, no. 96 was found according to the plan of La Vega.

PAH 1,1, p.279-80, 26th November 1774: addendum p.133 and p.160 (see no. 96 below, on the plan by La Vega).

We continue to lift the earth from the said roadway, and in the rainy days we work in the cellar of the same dwelling, which cellar was entirely freed, and here we have found: Bronze, (for finds see pages 279-80).…. Glass: A square jug with a handle.

All these things have been sent to the Museum, together with two pieces that are believed to be of bread, and some sods of earth with the impressions and remains of cloth nearly incinerated.

From PAH, addendum, p.133 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.96. A di 24 novembre 1774. Si sono trovati 4 pozonetti con loro manichi, altro vaso come pignatta col suo manico, tutti frantumati; li detti pozonetti potevano essere, come anche la pignatta, di diam. on.6, ed una quantita di frantumi di detti vasi. Due lucerne ad un luminello, una tonda di diam. on.5; questa tiene il coperchio, per dove se le da l’olio, ligato al manico per mezzo di una catenella; l’altra bislunga di on.7 per on.3 e mezza tiene il manico, che rappresenta la testa di un cavallo. Tre aghi, i quali si sono trovati dentro la forma di un scatolino o cassettino; il tutto di bronzo. Tre ciotole di metallo, due con una maniglia per ciascheduna distaccata; rappresentano una cocciola di mare di diam.on.8 e (2/3) (two-thirds), alte on.3.

E la terza di diversa figura ovata, con due maniglie distaccate, di diam.on.9, on.6, ed.on.7. Vetro: Una caraffa con un manico, quadra, alta on.9, di on.5 in quadro.

Alcuni pezzi credo di pane, ed alcuni pezzi di rivegine con delle tele unite alle stesse.”

Fom PAH, addendum, p.160 - 5 Novembre 1774 – Cantina intieramente evacuata; no.96 pianta di La Vega.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east into doorway to room on east side of stone staircase. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 37).
(Fontaine, room 4,7).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east into doorway to room on east side of stone staircase.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 37).

(Fontaine, room 4,7).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west, down onto lower level area to south of terrace. 
Looking into large room and corridor in south-east corner of peristyle.
(Villa Diomedes Project – looking across area 52 on left, corridor 50, and area 53, on right).
(Fontaine, looking across rooms (from left) 5,4, corridor 5,3, and 5,5, on lower right).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west, down onto lower level area to south of terrace.

Looking into large room and corridor in south-east corner of peristyle.

(Villa Diomedes Project – looking across area 52 on left, corridor 50, and area 53, on right).

(Fontaine, looking across rooms (from left) 5,4, corridor 5,3, and 5,5, on lower right).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west, down onto lower area to south of terrace. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – looking across area 52 on left, corridor 50, and area 53, on right).
 (Fontaine, looking across rooms (from left) 5,4, corridor 5,3, and 5,5, on lower right.
These rooms would have looked out onto the covered portico around the garden area).
No.78 on the plan of La Vega would have been found on the unroofed walkway around the top of the portico, on the south side of the garden area (approximately in this photo, on the upper middle left, flat area). (Fontaine, south side of garden terrace/walkway, near “A” on upper level.
No.80 would have been found on the upper level terrace, approximately where the “red” sunlight has caught the camera lens. This part of the terrace has now collapsed. (Fontaine, near “A” the garden terrace/walkway, west of room 4,5 on upper level.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west, down onto lower area to south of terrace.

(Villa Diomedes Project – looking across area 52 on left, corridor 50, and area 53, on right).

 (Fontaine, looking across rooms (from left) 5,4, corridor 5,3, and 5,5, on lower right.

These rooms would have looked out onto the covered portico around the garden area).

No.78 on the plan of La Vega would have been found on the unroofed walkway around the top of the portico, on the south side of the garden area (approximately in this photo, on the upper middle left, flat area). (Fontaine, south side of garden terrace/walkway, near “A” on upper level.

No.80 would have been found on the upper level terrace, approximately where the “red” sunlight has caught the camera lens. This part of the terrace has now collapsed. (Fontaine, near “A” the garden terrace/walkway, west of room 4,5 on upper level.


From PAH, 1,1, p.275-6, dated 11th December 1773. (see No.78 below, on the La Vega plan.)

Excavating in the said dwelling, we have found amongst the ruins of the loggia a piece of lead pipe, with a square sheet/plate di pal. 2 ¼ for each side (approximately 0.59m squared), and another two pieces of the same metal.

From PAH, addendum, p.131 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No. 78. A di 11 novembre 1773. Si sono trovate alcune piastre di piombo, poste nelle lesioni di quel lastrico ad uso di pece.”

From PAH addendum, p.159 - 13 Novembre 1773No. 78 pianta di La Vega. Lastre di piombo per riguardare alcune lesioni in una loggia della medesima casa suburbana.

From PAH, addendum, p.131 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.80. Nella stessa data. (9 decembre 1773). Si e trovato un tondo di bronzo per l’asse di qualche porta, alt. on. 2 ½, diam. simile.”


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. May 2024. Looking south, down onto lower area to south of terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Fontaine, looking across rooms (from upper left) 5,4, stairs to lower floor, rooms 5,1 and 5,4, upper centre.
In centre - corridor 5,3, and south wall of room 5,5, on lower side).

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. May 2024. Looking south, down onto lower area to south of terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Fontaine, looking across rooms (from upper left) 5,4, stairs to lower floor, rooms 5,1 and 5,4, upper centre.

In centre - corridor 5,3, and south wall of room 5,5, on lower side).


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking south, down onto lower area to south of terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Fontaine, looking across rooms (from upper left) 5,4, stairs to lower floor, rooms 5,1 and 5,4, upper centre.
In centre - corridor 5,3, and south wall of room 5,5, on lower side.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south, down onto lower area to south of terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Fontaine, looking across rooms (from upper left) 5,4, stairs to lower floor, rooms 5,1 and 5,4, upper centre.

In centre - corridor 5,3, and south wall of room 5,5, on lower side).


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. May 2024. 
Looking towards east end of lower area to south of terrace, with corridor 5.3, lower right. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. May 2024.

Looking towards east end of lower area to south of terrace, with corridor 5.3, lower right. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking towards east end of lower area to south of terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking towards east end of lower area to south of terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking south-east towards corridor at side of steps, leading to room on south side of lower area. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south-east towards corridor at side of steps, leading to room on south side of lower area. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south, down onto area to south of terrace. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – stairs at area 47).
(No.81 from the La Vega plan was found in the corridor at the side of the steps.)

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south, down onto area to south of terrace.

(Villa Diomedes Project – stairs at area 47).

(No.81 from the La Vega plan was found in the corridor at the side of the steps.)


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking from south end of terrace A down onto rooms at south end. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
On the left - stairs to lower level.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 47 stairs on left, area 51 in centre, 46 at rear of 51, and 52, on right
(Fontaine, room (stairs, on left), room 5,1, (with 5a at top), and room 5,4 centre right. Corridor 5,3 lower edge).

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking from south end of terrace A down onto rooms at south end. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

On the left - stairs to lower level.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 47 stairs on left, area 51 in centre, 46 at rear of 51, and 52, on right

(Fontaine, room (stairs, on left), room 5,1, (with 5a at top), and room 5,4 centre right. Corridor 5,3 lower edge).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south, down onto area to south of terrace. 
Villa Diomedes Project – area 46 across centre of photo, 47 on left, 51 on right). 
(Fontaine, at top 5a, corridor into 5a on left, room 5,1 centre right.)

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south, down onto area to south of terrace.

Villa Diomedes Project – area 46 across centre of photo, 47 on left, 51 on right).

(Fontaine, at top 5a, corridor into 5a on left, room 5,1 centre right.)


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south, down onto area to south of terrace. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 47 stairs on left, area 51 in centre, 46 at rear of 51, and 52, on right
(Fontaine, room (stairs, on left), room 5,1, (with 5a at top), and room 5,4 centre right. Corridor 5,3 lower edge).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south, down onto area to south of terrace.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 47 stairs on left, area 51 in centre, 46 at rear of 51, and 52, on right

(Fontaine, room (stairs, on left), room 5,1, (with 5a at top), and room 5,4 centre right. Corridor 5,3 lower edge).


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.
Looking south across room on lower floor. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Fontaine – room 5,1, with room 5,a, at rear).

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south across room on lower floor. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Fontaine – room 5,1, with room 5,a, at rear).


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Looking towards south wall of room. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Fontaine, room 5a)

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Looking towards south wall of room. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Fontaine – room 5,a,).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south, down onto area to south of terrace. 
Villa Diomedes Project – area 51 nearest in centre, 46 at rear of 51, and 52, on right.
(Fontaine, room 5a at top, room 5,1 and 5,4).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south, down onto area to south of terrace.

Villa Diomedes Project – area 51 nearest in centre, 46 at rear of 51, and 52, on right.

(Fontaine, room 5a at top, room 5,1 and 5,4).


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Looking towards south wall with remaining decoration. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Fontaine, room 5,4)

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Looking towards south wall with remaining decoration. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Fontaine, room 5,4)


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north along terrace. 
The doorway to the tablinum can be seen on the left of centre of the photo, where the items numbered 3 by La Vega were found.
The doorway in the north wall, on the left of the photo, is where the items numbered 4 on the plan by La Vega were found.
It would seem the paintings from both rooms were taken at the same time, and the locations not separated. (see also the tablinum, detailed in the previous part).
Villa Diomedes Project – area 22 tablinum).
(Fontaine, room 4,2 tablinum).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north along terrace.

The doorway to the tablinum can be seen on the left of centre of the photo, where the items numbered 3 by La Vega were found.

The doorway in the north wall, on the left of the photo, is where the items numbered 4 on the plan by La Vega were found.

It would seem the paintings from both rooms were taken at the same time, and the locations not separated. (see also the tablinum, detailed in the previous part).

Villa Diomedes Project – area 22 tablinum).

(Fontaine, room 4,2 tablinum).


From PAH,1,1, p.252, 9th March 1771 and addendum p.120. (see Nos. 3 and 4 below, on the plan by La Vega.)

24 pieces of paintings were cut by Canart, that decorated the dwelling being dug out outside the Gate, these were …………. etc

– (see items at Fontaine’s room 4.2 in previous part)


From PAH, addendum, p.120 – (No.3 on the plan by La Vega).

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.3. A di 20 febbraro 1771. Questa stanza ornata con varie pitture sopra tonica rossa, e sono vedute di paesini, casini in campagna, canestri con fichi, ed altro; il zoccolo nero con ornati graziosi. Il pavimento di mattoni pesti, con qualche pietra bianca ad uso di musaico. Nel fregio di questa stanza si trovo il vaso del no.1.”

(trans.) “No.3. 20th February 1771. This room was decorated with various paintings on a red background, and seen were landscapes, houses in the countryside, baskets with figs, and others: the zoccolo/plinth was black with pretty decorations. The floor was of crushed brick (mattoni pesti), with some white stones used as a mosaic. In the frieze of this room (“at the height of the frieze??”) the vase numbered 1 on the plan by La Vega was found.”


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.
Doorway to room (diaeta, or garden room) at north end of terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 40).
(Fontaine, room 4,1, see also previous room 4,2 for paintings).

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Doorway to room (diaeta, or garden room) at north end of terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 40).

(Fontaine, room 4,1, see also previous room 4,2 for paintings).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. 
Doorway to room (diaeta, or garden room) at north end of terrace. (see No.4 below, on the plan by La Vega).
According to PAH, this room’s walls were painted yellow, and the floor was simple polished white mosaic.
The paintings that decorated the walls (of both rooms 3 and 4 (La Vega’s plan) were Views, Fruit and Birds, Satyr with Bacchante, Arianna, Narcissus, flying cupids carrying various things. Medallions with masks and views of landscape. Animals.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 40).
(Fontaine, room 4,1, see also previous room 4,2 for paintings).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006.

Doorway to room (diaeta, or garden room) at north end of terrace. (see No.4 below, on the plan by La Vega).

According to PAH, this room’s walls were painted yellow, and the floor was simple polished white mosaic.

The paintings that decorated the walls (of both rooms 3 and 4 (La Vega’s plan) were Views, Fruit and Birds, Satyr with Bacchante, Arianna, Narcissus, flying cupids carrying various things. Medallions with masks and views of landscape. Animals.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 40).

(Fontaine, room 4,1, see also previous room 4,2 for paintings).


From PAH, addendum, p.120 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

“No.4. A di 28 febbraio 1771. Questa stanza e ornata di varie figure, intonaco giallo, pavimento di musaico liscio bianco; e vi si e trovato quanto siegue: Bronze: Tre scive grandi, una mezzana, e due piccole. Uno scudo per mascatura di diam.on.6. Un chiavistello, due pezzi che paiono ornamenti-di mascatura. Un anello con quattro pezzi di catenelle. Una scivitella semplice, Un chiodo, e diversi frantumati. Due scudetti di diam.on 2 e mezza, con un chiodo di ferro nel centro. Diversi pezzetti e centrelle, che paiono di altro metallo. No.28 pezzetti come di un ovo di alabastro. Creta: Tre pezzi di tegola, uno grande con un merco circolare, di diam.on.2 e mezza, e vi e impressa una figura di un fanciullo, che scherza con un animale. Altro mezzano con un merco con le seguenti lettere C . N . I.  Ed il terzo con un merco di lettere, e sono PSILIFAI.”

From PAH, addendum, p.156, 9 Marzo 1771 –  “Pitture che adornavano quest’abitazione; no.3 e 4 pianta di La Vega. Vedute, Frutti ed uccelli. Satiro con Baccante. Arianna. Narciso. Geni volanti con varie cose. Tondi con maschere e vedute di paesi. Animali.”


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking west onto terrace at north end near doorway to room (diaeta or garden room) on right. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking west onto terrace (A) at north end near doorway to room (diaeta or garden room) on right. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking north-east across terrace at north end near doorway to room (diaeta or garden room) in centre. 
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking north-east across terrace (A) at north end near doorway to room (diaeta or garden room) in centre.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.
Looking east across terrace A, through doorway onto terrace with doorway to corridor and window into room at north end of terrace. 
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking east across terrace A, through doorway onto terrace with doorway to corridor and window into room at north end of terrace.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking east through window into diaeta/garden room from terrace A. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 40).
(Fontaine, room 4,1,)

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking east through window into diaeta/garden room from terrace A. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 40).

(Fontaine, room 4,1,)


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.
Looking towards south-east corner of diaeta/garden room from window in terrace A. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking towards south-east corner of diaeta/garden room from window in terrace A. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 40).

(Fontaine, room 4,1,)


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. 
North end of terrace and area of part of the unroofed promenade over the flat roof of the portico. 
This would have extended around all three sides of the garden portico.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 44).
(Fontaine, north end of terrace, and in vaulted area, west side of northern end of terrace).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006.

North end of terrace and area of part of the unroofed promenade over the flat roof of the portico.

This would have extended around all three sides of the garden portico.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 44).

(Fontaine, north end of terrace, and in vaulted area, west side of northern end of terrace).


According to PAH, 1,1, p.252, dated 7th March 1771, and addendum p. 120 and p.156 - (see No.5 below, on La Vega’s plan) –

A skeleton was found with 232 coins nearby, this would have been near the north end of the promenade/terrace.

From PAH, addendum, p.120 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.5. A di 7 marzo 1771. Si e ritrovato un scheletro con no.23 monete di bronzo.”

From PAH, addendum, p.156 – 9 Marzo 1771 - “Scheletro con 232 monete accanto: no.5 pianta di La Vega.”


According to PAH,1,1, p.252, dated 16th March 1771 and addendum 120: (see No.6 below, on the plan by La Vega).

We continue the excavation in the dwelling outside the Gate of the city. In this we have found various lower levels decorated with some paintings, but before continuing the excavation in this site, we must take precautions so that they do not collapse.

Amongst the ruins of a vault fallen from the same underground area, we have found a lead pipe (0.59m, diam 0.05m) soldered by one of its extremities to a plate of the same metal (which was 0.33m squared).

Canart has had the mosaic with the griffin and flowers cut, which was mentioned in the Report of the 16th of the past month, (*the mosaic mentioned would appear to be from the Villa of Cicero), and from the building that now is being discovered outside of the Gate, a threshold of 0.73m long, and 0.53m wide, with a black and white meandering plaiting (con un intreccio meandrico bianco e nero) etc.

The report of 16th February 1771, (PAH,1,1, p.249), makes the point that because of the various difficulties, they had started digging at another nearby site where they had already begun to find a room decorated with paintings, and found a silver vase broken into many pieces…….etc  (see no.1 on the plan by La Vega).

From PAH, addendum, p.120 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.6. A di 14 marzo 1771. Si e trovato un pezzo di condotto di piombo, unito ad una piastra dello stesso metallo, tra la grossezza delle ruine.”

From PAH, addendum, p.156 – 16 Marzo 1771 No. 6 pianta di La Vega. Musaici nell’abitazione suddetta.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking east from north terrace A across rooms belonging to HGW25. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking east from upper north terrace A across rooms belonging to HGW25. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking east from upper north terrace A across rooms belonging to HGW25. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking east from upper north terrace A across rooms belonging to HGW25. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024. 
Looking south towards area of large exedra/loggia/terrace and along lower east portico, from upper north terrace A.
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.

Looking south towards area of large exedra/loggia/terrace and along lower east portico, from upper north terrace A.

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.
Looking south from upper terrace, down onto east portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south from upper terrace, down onto east portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.
Looking south-west from upper terrace, down onto east portico. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.

Looking south-west from upper terrace, down onto east portico. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west, down onto portico. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63, below area 43).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west, down onto portico.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63, below area 43).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north, down onto portico, from area of large exedra/loggia/terrace. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north, down onto portico, from area of large exedra/loggia/terrace.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63).


HGW24 Pompeii. March 2024.
Looking west from area of large exedra on upper floor, towards the garden and the west portico. 
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

HGW24 Pompeii. March 2024.

Looking west from area of large exedra on upper floor, towards the garden and the west portico.

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.
Looking west from area of large exedra on upper floor, towards the garden and the west portico with gateway, in the background. 
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking west from area of large exedra on upper floor, towards the garden and the west portico with gateway, in the background.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Detail of garden pool, from terrace A. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Detail of garden pool, from terrace A. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking west from area of large exedra on upper floor towards pergola. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking west from area of large exedra on upper floor towards pergola. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Looking west towards detail of garden pergola. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. Looking west towards detail of garden pergola. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. 
Looking west from area of large exedra towards the garden and the west portico in the background. 
According to Jashemski, the garden was enclosed on four sides by a portico supported by sixty-three pillars.
In the centre of the terrace above the portico on the east side was a large room.
This room had a panoramic view towards Stabia, Sorrento and the Bay of Naples.
A large apsed pool with a fountain was in the centre of the garden.
See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p.281)

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006.

Looking west from area of large exedra towards the garden and the west portico in the background.

According to Jashemski, the garden was enclosed on four sides by a portico supported by sixty-three pillars.

In the centre of the terrace above the portico on the east side was a large room.

This room had a panoramic view towards Stabia, Sorrento and the Bay of Naples.

A large apsed pool with a fountain was in the centre of the garden.

See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p.281)


HGW24 Pompeii. 1862 painting of villa. In the centre, on the upper floor, would have been the large exedra.
See Niccolini F, 1862. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Secondo. Napoli. Tavolo VII.

HGW24 Pompeii. 1862 painting of villa. In the centre, on the upper floor, would have been the large exedra.

See Niccolini F, 1862. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Secondo. Napoli. Tavolo VII.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.
Looking south-west across garden from large exedra/terrace. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.

Looking south-west across garden from large exedra/terrace. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking south-west across garden from large exedra/terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south-west across garden from large exedra/terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking south-west from exedra/terrace towards south portico of garden area. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south-west from exedra/terrace towards south portico of garden area. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.
Looking north-west across garden from large exedra/terrace. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.

Looking north-west across garden from large exedra/terrace. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking north-west across garden from large exedra/terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking north-west across garden from large exedra/terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. 1957. Looking north-west across garden area, from area of large loggia/exedra on upper floor.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

HGW24 Pompeii. 1957. Looking north-west across garden area, from area of large loggia/exedra on upper floor.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking south-west across north portico and garden area, from upper terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south-west across north portico and garden area, from upper terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking south across north portico, from upper terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south across north portico, from upper terrace. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024. Looking south along north portico, on left, from upper terrace. 
The area of the original carriage entrance to Pompeii in the 1800’s, can be seen on the right. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024. Looking south along north portico, on left, from upper terrace.

The area of the original carriage entrance to Pompeii in the 1800’s, can be seen on the right. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.



Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Part 9      Part 10      Part 11      Part 12      Plan





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Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 08-Sep-2024 19:49