
92. HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes or Villa di Diomede.


Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Part 9      Part 10      Part 11      Part 12      Plan


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north across pool in small courtyard, from end of corridor.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking north across pool in small courtyard, from end of corridor from kitchen area.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 4).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. South-west side of small courtyard in baths complex. According to Mau, on the left is a doorway to the apodyterium, and in the centre is a doorway to a storeroom.
See Mau, A., 1907, translated by Kelsey, F. W., Pompeii: Its Life and Art. New York: Macmillan. (p. 356). According to Breton, the doorway on the left would have led to the frigidarium, and the doorway in the centre would have led to the apodyterium or changing room. See Breton, Ernest. 1870. Pompeia, Guide de visite a Pompei, 3rd ed. Paris, Guerin.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. South-west side of small courtyard in baths complex.

According to Mau, on the left is a doorway to the apodyterium, and in the centre is a doorway to a storeroom.

See Mau, A., 1907, translated by Kelsey, F. W., Pompeii: Its Life and Art. New York: Macmillan. (p. 356).

According to Breton, the doorway on the left would have led to the frigidarium, and the doorway in the centre would have led to the apodyterium or changing room.

See Breton, Ernest. 1870. Pompeia, Guide de visite a Pompei, 3rd ed. Paris, Guerin.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Apodyterium or changing room in baths complex, with doorway in south-east corner leading to tepidarium.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006.

Apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex, with doorway in south-east corner leading to tepidarium.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9 leading to area 10).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).


From PAH 1,1, p.263, 15th February 1772, addendum p, 126 and 158: (see no.33 below, on the plan by La Vega).

Continuing the excavation in the said dwelling, we have evacuated a room with floor of white and black mosaic, and plaster painted with panels and arabesques of the usual grotesque style. Here we have found 40 pieces of plain/flat glass, as if it would have been used for a window of a considerable size, and a bronze half hinge. 


From PAH, addendum, p.126 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.33. A di 13 febbraio 1772. In questa stanza non si e trovato cosa alcuna. Il pavimento di musaico bianco ornato di stelluce nere ed una fascia nera, che lo quadra; le mura sono ornate di vari quadri di righe gialle e rosse sopra tonica bianca, dentro li quali vi sono vari uccellami come paoni, papere, vasi, frutti, ecc.; ed era coverta di una lamia finta a botte. In questa stanza, come ora mi ricordo, si trovarono alcuni pezzami di vetro rotto, ed un pezzo di sciva di bronzo.”


From PAH addendum, p.158

15 Febbraio 1772 – No. 33 pianta di La Vega.

Stanza con pavimento a musaico e pitture con vetri in detta casa pseudourbana.


HGW24 Pompeii. South wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex, with doorway in south-east corner leading to tepidarium.
Illustrated by Giuseppe Chiantarelli, 1808, showing wall of the first room in the baths’ area on the upper floor. ADS 1146. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. South wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex, with doorway in south-east corner leading to tepidarium.

Illustrated by Giuseppe Chiantarelli, 1808, showing wall of the first room in the baths’ area on the upper floor. ADS 1146.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. South (or small) wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex. 
Illustrated by Giuseppe Lo Manto, wall in the first room of the baths’ area on the upper floor. ADS 1147.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. South (or small) wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex.

Illustrated by Giuseppe Lo Manto, wall in the first room of the baths’ area on the upper floor. ADS 1147.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Lo Manto of a wall in the first room of the baths’ area.
See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.37)
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Lo Manto of a wall in the first room of the baths’ area.

See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.37)

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).


HGW24 Pompeii. Undated painting by Raoul Rochette of a wall in the first room of the baths’ area.
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

HGW24 Pompeii. Undated painting by Raoul Rochette of a wall in the first room of the baths’ area.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).


HGW24 Pompeii. Another wall in the same room, west or east (long) wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths’ complex,
Illustrated by Giuseppe Chiantarelli, ADS 1150.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. Another wall in the same room, west or east (long) wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths’ complex,

Illustrated by Giuseppe Chiantarelli, ADS 1150.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. Apodyterium (first room) of the Baths’ area. Drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli of the long walls of the room.
See also Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.35)
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

HGW24 Pompeii. Apodyterium (first room) of the Baths’ area. Drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli of the long walls of the room.

See also Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.35)

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).


HGW24 Pompeii. Wall in the same room, west or east (long) wall of apodyterium in Baths’ area. 
Drawing by Giuseppe Lo Manto.  ADS 1149.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. Wall in the same room, west or east (long) wall of apodyterium in Baths’ area.

Drawing by Giuseppe Lo Manto.  ADS 1149.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. Wall in the same room, west or east (long) wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex,
Designed by Vincenzo Campana, with some differences to the above by Lo Manto, Chiantarelli, etc. ADS 1151.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. Wall in the same room, west or east (long) wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex,

Designed by Vincenzo Campana, with some differences to the above by Lo Manto, Chiantarelli, etc. ADS 1151.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. Undated painting by Zahn, of west or east (long) wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex, described as “there the cornice, formed by painted stucco, was conserved.”
See Zahn, W., 1828. Die schönsten Ornamente und merkwürdigsten Gemälde aus Pompeji, Herkulanum und Stabiae: I. Berlin: Reimer, taf. 59.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

HGW24 Pompeii. Undated painting by Zahn, of west or east (long) wall of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex, described as “there the cornice, formed by painted stucco, was conserved.”

See Zahn, W., 1828. Die schönsten Ornamente und merkwürdigsten Gemälde aus Pompeji, Herkulanum und Stabiae: I. Berlin: Reimer, taf. 59.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).


HGW24 Pompeii. Mai 1823? 
Sketch by Chenavard, showing detail from the central panel of the wall in the of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex.
See Chenavard, Antoine-Marie (1787-1883) et al. Voyage d'Italie, croquis Tome 3, pl. 114.
INHA Identifiant numérique : NUM MS 703 (3). See Book on INHA 
Document placé sous « Licence Ouverte / Open Licence » Etalab   
(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).

HGW24 Pompeii. Mai 1823?

Sketch by Chenavard, showing detail from the central panel of the wall in the of apodyterium or changing room (or frigidarium) in baths complex.

See Chenavard, Antoine-Marie (1787-1883) et al. Voyage d'Italie, croquis Tome 3, pl. 114.

INHA Identifiant numérique : NUM MS 703 (3). See Book on INHA

Document placé sous « Licence OuverteOpen Licence » Etalab   

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,2 in baths’ area).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Baths complex.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Tepidarium in baths complex, looking south to window.

On the left, a doorway leading to the caldarium (or stufa) can be seen.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10 with doorway to area 11).

(Fontaine, room 3,3 in baths’ area).


From PAH 1,1, p.267, 7th November 1772.

We continue as in the past week to lift the earth laterally of the main apartment of the said dwelling, and have begun to free two rooms, where we hope to find some things.


From PAH 1,1, p.267, 14th November 1772 and addendum p. 128 and 158. (see nos. 55, 56, 57, 58 below, on the plan by La Vega).

Working at the uncovering of those two rooms, which we know would have been used as baths.

The inside one was a bath-room faced all around with large tiles, which were some distance out from the wall, leaving an area where the heat from the furnace could ascend, with which it must have been connected; the tiles were covered with white plaster with some panels coloured red. From one side of this same room, there was a niche, with vault decorated with stucco in the shape of shells, and various fronds and figures; in this niche there was a small window with two small lead pipes, of which we will know the use when we have emptied the inside. In the side of the same room facing the niche, there was a mound of masonry, which we know would have been faced with marble, as it would have been all around the zoccolo. The other discovered room was painted with some paintings, landscapes, vases, etc, on a red background.

To the left we found the glass, despite it being broken you could tell the manner of how it would have been situated, by the mark left in the earth, and all the wood that made up the closure of the window.  In the wall that divided these two rooms, there was a round hole where one would have put a lamp, to unite the two rooms.  From the area of the stufa, the hole was closed by a screen (un telaretto), and there was a hole that went up through the wall as far as the outside air, so the fumes could exit.

One also sees above the opening, the smoke from the light that was here.

The floor of these two rooms was of mosaic. In the room in front of the stufa, the shape of a basket was stamped into the earth, and the following pieces were found, furnished with bronze;

Two entire hinges, another half hinge. A ring with an eye. Two keyhole guards holed in the centre. A nail, and a piece worked as a head of hair. (Un chiodo, ed un pezzetto lavorato come con capigliatura).


From PAH, addendum, p.128 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.55. A di 13 novembre 1772. Si e trovata una vetrata di 4 piastre di vetro, ma tutta rotta, senza essere spostata dal suo luogo, eesendo tenuta dalla stessa rivegine; si e trovato pure in quello finestra, dalla parte interna, due scive di bronzo”.

“No.56. Nella stessa stanza di sopra, e propriamente in terra si trovo la forma di un canestro”.


From PAH addendum, p.158 - 14 Novembre 1772.

Appartamento del bagno. Stufa; no.57 pianta di La Vega.

Altra stanza, il tepidario, con finestra di vetri; no. 55 pianta di La Vega.Impressione lasciata nel terreno della detta finestra con suoi vetri.

Luogo ove si situava la lucerna per illuminare le dette due stanze; no. 58 pianta di La Vega.

Pavimenti di musaico. No. 56 pianta di La Vega.


From PAH 1,1, p.267-8, 21st November 1772. (see no. 59 below, on the plan by La Vega).

Lifting the soil from the exterior of the room of the baths which we had found glazed, we observed particularly the mark of the wooden shutter that secured the window from outside, which was closed with a hinge of which was found the plate of bronze and its hinge; we also lifted two hinges of the same metal which have been sent to the Royal Museum together with the glass removed from the noted window, with many other flat/plain pieces, which were found shattered in the room of the stufa, knowing well that also the windows of this room were provided with glazing.


From PAH, addendum, p.128 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.59. A di 19 novembre 1772. Si sono trovate due scive ed una mascatura, tutto di bronzo; e fra la terra pulendo le stanze ultime scoverte, si trovo una monete di bronzo di diam. on.1, che per la ruggine non si distingue.”

(According to Fontaine, south side of room 3,3 in baths area, perhaps outside or near window).


HGW24 Pompeii. Looking towards north (short) wall of tepidarium, with doorway to apodyterium
Illustrated by Francesco Morelli, ADS 1152 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10 with doorway to area 9). 
(Fontaine, room 3,3).
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. Looking towards north (short) wall of tepidarium, with doorway to apodyterium

Illustrated by Francesco Morelli, ADS 1152

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10 with doorway to area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,3).

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. 
Looking towards north (short) wall of tepidarium, with doorway to apodyterium, on upper floor.
See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.16)
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10 with doorway to area 9). 
(Fontaine, room 3,3).

HGW24 Pompeii.

Looking towards north (short) wall of tepidarium, with doorway to apodyterium, on upper floor.

See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.16)

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10 with doorway to area 9).

(Fontaine, room 3,3).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. West wall of tepidarium in baths complex.
(Fontaine, room 3,3).

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. West wall of tepidarium in baths complex.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10).

 (Fontaine, room 3,3).


HGW24 Pompeii. West wall of tepidarium in baths’ area on upper floor. Drawing by Francesco Morelli. ADS 1155.
See also Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.22)
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10).
(Fontaine, room 3,3).
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. West wall of tepidarium in baths’ area on upper floor. Drawing by Francesco Morelli. ADS 1155.

See also Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.22)

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10).

(Fontaine, room 3,3).

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. Pre-December 1858. Drawing by Zahn of long (west) wall of tepidarium. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10).
Fontaine Tepidarium 3,3. 
According to Fontaine, this lithography of W. Zahn has false colouring of the wall decoration, which is contrary to what is still visible today.
See Zahn, W., 1852. Die schönsten Ornamente und merkwürdigsten Gemälde aus Pompeji, Herkulanum und Stabiae: III. Berlin: Reimer, Taf. 87.

HGW24 Pompeii. Pre-December 1858. Drawing by Zahn of long (west) wall of tepidarium.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10).

Fontaine Tepidarium 3,3.

According to Fontaine, this lithography of W. Zahn has false colouring of the wall decoration, which is contrary to what is still visible today.

See Zahn, W., 1852. Die schönsten Ornamente und merkwürdigsten Gemälde aus Pompeji, Herkulanum und Stabiae: III. Berlin: Reimer, Taf. 87.


HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Niccolini (1889) showing decoration of the long wall of the tepidarium.
See Niccolini F, 1890. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Terzo. Napoli, Arte, tav XII. 
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10).
(Fontaine Tepidarium 3,3).

HGW24 Pompeii. Drawing by Niccolini (1889) showing decoration of the long wall of the tepidarium.

See Niccolini F, 1890. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Terzo. Napoli, Arte, tav XII.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10).

(Fontaine Tepidarium 3,3).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Mosaic floor in tepidarium of baths complex.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Mosaic floor in tepidarium of baths complex.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Doorway in east wall of tepidarium leading to caldarium in baths complex.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Doorway in east wall of tepidarium leading to caldarium in baths complex.

According to PAH 1,1, p.267, 14th November 1772,

“in the wall that divided these two rooms there was a round hole where one would have put a lamp, to unite the two rooms.

From the area of the caldarium, the hole was closed by a screen (un telaretto), and there was a hole that went up through the wall as far as the outside air, so the fumes could escape. One could also see above the opening, the smoke from the light that was here.”

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 10 with doorway to area 11).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Baths complex.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking towards east wall of caldarium.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Baths complex. Apse.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Apsed niche at south end of caldarium in baths complex.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).

(Fontaine, room 3,4 in baths’ area).


From PAH 1,1, p.267, 14th November 1772 and addendum p. 128 and 158. (see nos. 55, 56, 57, 58 below, on the plan by La Vega).

For full translation of PAH, see the tepidarium, above.


From PAH, addendum, p.128 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.57. Nella stessa stanza, ossia stufa, vi sono due condotti di piombo; e nella parte esterna si e trovata una mascatura e chiavistello di bronzo”.

“No.58. Nella stessa stanza descritta vi e un buco, e si trovo del vetro. Fra la terre delle due stanze descritta si trovo un anello, come una sciva, di diam.on.2. Due scudetti forati nel centro di diam. on 2 e mezza. Un chiodo lungo on.4 e mezza. Altro pezzetto lavorato, tutto di bronzo. Ed un pezzetto di legno, o altro”.


HGW24 Pompeii. 1897. Watercolour by Luigi Bazzani, described as “Niche in tepidarium”.
Apsed niche at south end of caldarium in baths complex.
Phot © Victoria and Albert Museum, inventory number 456.

HGW24 Pompeii. 1897. Watercolour by Luigi Bazzani, described as “Niche in tepidarium”.

Apsed niche at south end of caldarium in baths complex.

Photo © Victoria and Albert Museum, inventory number 456.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).

(Fontaine, calidarium room 3.4).


HGW24 Pompeii. Mai 1823? Watercolour sketch by Chenavard showing decoration of vault in caldarium.
Description : Reproduction de la peinture ornant la lunette du caldarium de la Villa di Diomède.
See Chenavard, Antoine-Marie (1787-1883) et al. Voyage d'Italie, croquis Tome 3, pl. 111.
INHA Identifiant numérique : NUM MS 703 (3). See Book on INHA 
Document placé sous « Licence Ouverte / Open Licence » Etalab   
(Fontaine, calidarium room 3.4).

HGW24 Pompeii. Mai 1823? Watercolour sketch by Chenavard showing decoration of vault in caldarium.

Description : Reproduction de la peinture ornant la lunette du caldarium de la Villa di Diomède.

See Chenavard, Antoine-Marie (1787-1883) et al. Voyage d'Italie, croquis Tome 3, pl. 111.

INHA Identifiant numérique : NUM MS 703 (3). See Book on INHA

Document placé sous « Licence OuverteOpen Licence » Etalab   

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).

(Fontaine, calidarium room 3.4).


HGW24 Pompeii. Short (south) wall with niche for the labrum, in caldarium in baths’ area on upper floor.
Drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli, 1798.  ADS 1157. which presumably served as a template for the copper plates of the Gli Ornate
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).
(Fontaine, calidarium room 3.4).
Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

HGW24 Pompeii. Short (south) wall with niche for the labrum, in caldarium in baths’ area on upper floor.

Drawing by Giuseppe Chiantarelli, 1798.  ADS 1157. which presumably served as a template for the copper plates of the Gli Ornate

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).

(Fontaine, calidarium room 3.4).

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


HGW24 Pompeii. Short (south) wall with niche for the labrum, in caldarium. 
See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.15)
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).
(Fontaine, calidarium room 3.4).

HGW24 Pompeii. Short (south) wall with niche for the labrum, in caldarium.

See Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed I Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’Antica Pompei, 1838, (No.15)

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).

(Fontaine, calidarium room 3.4).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Bath or basin for hot water against north wall of caldarium in baths complex.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Bath or basin for water against north wall of caldarium in baths complex.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).

(Fontaine, calidarium room 3.4).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Bath or basin against north wall of caldarium in baths complex.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Bath or basin against north wall of caldarium in baths complex.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Baths complex. Mosaic floor.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Mosaic floor in caldarium in baths complex.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 11).


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. South wall of baths courtyard, with doorway on left to apodyterium or changing room. On the right is a doorway to a storeroom.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. South wall of baths courtyard, with doorway on left to apodyterium or changing room, (or frigidarium).

On the right is a doorway to a storeroom, (or apodyterium).

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 5, with doorway to storeroom/apodyterium at area 8, on right.)


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south into storeroom, according to Mau, or apodyterium, according to Breton.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south into storeroom, according to Mau, or apodyterium, according to Breton.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 8.)

(Fontaine, room 3,1).


From PAH 1,1, p.262, 11th January 1772.

We have lifted soil from the peristyle of the said dwelling, in order to detect that we could enter into other rooms.


From PAH 1,1, p.262, 25th January 1772, addendum p, 158: (No number (Senza numero) on the plan of La Vega).

We continue the dig in the same building where we evacuated a room, inside of which we found a broken terracotta water-jar. We began also to discover a small courtyard adjoining to this room, which had a portico with octagonal columns on one side.


From PAH, 25 Gennaio 1772, addendum p.,158:

 “Prima stanza a destra sotto il portico dell’appartamento del bagno nella casa suddetta, e questa era senza numero nella pianta di La Vega.”


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west across peristyle, from east portico. According to Jashemski, this garden was enclosed by a portico supported by fourteen columns, red below and white above.
In the middle of the garden was a small rectangular pool, that had been faced with marble which had been removed in antiquity. Water from the cistern below was drawn through the two fluted travertine puteals located on the south side (left) next to the two corner columns.
See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p.280)

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west across peristyle, from east portico.

According to Jashemski, this garden was enclosed by a portico supported by fourteen columns, red below and white above.

In the middle of the garden was a small rectangular pool, which had been faced with marble which had been removed in antiquity.

Water from the cistern below was drawn through the two fluted travertine puteals located on the south side (left) next to the two corner columns.

See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p.280).


HGW24 Pompeii. March 2024. Looking north-west across peristyle, from east portico. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

HGW24 Pompeii. March 2024. Looking north-west across peristyle, from east portico. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Looking north along east portico from south-east corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking north along east portico from south-east corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023. 
Two doorways in south-east corner of peristyle, doorway to room 2,14 and 2,15, on left, and into room 2.13, on right.
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Two doorways in south-east corner of peristyle, doorway to room 2,14 and 2,15, on left, and into room 2.13, on right.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.
Looking south into corridor 2,14 with doorway into room 2,15, on left. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. October 2023.

Looking south into corridor 2,14 with doorway into room 2,15, on left. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south along small corridor, now blocked at its southern end. In the left wall, would have been a doorway into a room with three windows overlooking the garden, not yet excavated. This corridor and room are in the south-east corner of the peristyle.

HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south along small corridor, now blocked at its southern end.

In the left wall, would have been a doorway into a room with three windows overlooking the garden, not yet excavated.

This corridor and room are in the south-east corner of the peristyle.

(Villa Diomedes Project – area 13 leading to area 12.)

(Fontaine, room 2,14 and 2,15).


From PAH 1,1, p.261, 21st December 1771, addendum p, 124-5 and 157: (see No.29 below, on the plan by La Vega, 29 would be in the room on the left of the photo).

We continue the excavation in the said dwelling, where we have entirely detected a room, and here we have found – A marble statue……………etc.,

According to Pagano & Prisciandaro, this marble statue of a young girl, can be seen in fig.56, of Rami inediti in their vol.II.

See Pagano, M. and Prisciandaro, R., 2006. Studio sulle provenienze degli oggetti rinvenuti negli scavi borbonici del regno di Napoli, vol.II.  Naples: Nicola Longobardi. (p.336)

One of the other items found, a hair-pin for the head with a decoration of Venus, made of ivory, is provenanced by them to NAP 77391.

See Pagano, M. and Prisciandaro, R., 2006. Studio sulle provenienze degli oggetti rinvenuti negli scavi borbonici del regno di Napoli, vol.I.  Naples: Nicola Longobardi. (p.72)

 (for complete detailed list see PAH 1,1, page 261, (and PAH, addendum, p.124-5 as below) – Bronze, Iron, Marble, Terracotta, Lead, Glass.


From PAH, addendum, p.124 –125,

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

(Descrizione completa della lista dei reperti). (Detailed list of finds.)


From PAH addendum, p.157, 21 Decembre 1771 – No.29 pianta di La Vega. Mensa di marmo nell’abitazione suddetta.


(Fontaine, room 2,14, corridor leading to south, with doorway to 2.15).


From PAH 1,1, p.261, 28th December 1771, addendum p, 125 and 157: (see no. 30 below, on the plan by La Vega).

Continuing to lift portions of soil in the same room, we found a lock with its bronze door-bolt/latch, and two iron plates of door furnishings.


From PAH, addendum, p.125 –

Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found .....)

 “No.30. A di 28 decembre 1771. Si e trovata una mascatura di ferro con licchetto di bronzo. Due pezzi di correa o staffa di ferro di una porta. Un anello di bronzo con scive di ferro di diam. on.2. Altro anello con sciva di diam. on.2.”


From PAH addendum, p.157, 28 Decembre 1771 – No.30 pianta di La Vega.



Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Part 9      Part 10      Part 11      Part 12      Plan




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Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 08-Sep-2024 19:49